The Burberry Cowl I made for myself is done and I love it! It's almost too warm to wear it right now - but it will be perfect once it starts snowing (which will be soon). The yarn is amazing (details in a previous post).
This is the second time I've made this cowl - the first one went to my mother-in-law. It's a great pattern and it's fast because you use chunky yarn.
I was talking to someone in my LYS the other day who said she's been wanting to make this cowl but was intimidated by the cables. I can't express how easy cables are - especially these ones! If you have never knit cables and don't believe me, just find a YouTube video on how to do them. Super simple and they look great!
I could get used to this knitting for myself stuff :)
Head over to Tami's Amis to see what others have finished recently!
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